United by Passion

11 Sep, 2022

United by Passion

On Crowd1's YouTube channel you can find multiple episodes from the talkshow United by Passion, the show where top Affiliates get to talk about where their passion stems from. Follow this link to find the entire YouTube playlist where all the episodes are included.

What is passion? ‍

‍Passion is a strong desire to achieve or do something that can inspire one to do extraordinary feats. A strong feeling like passion should be acted upon. Passion without action, in the long run, never produces any value in life. The fire of action is fueled by passion. When you are passionate about something, you might love it despite all of the moments where you hate it. Passion is the thing that keeps us going and never allows us to quit.

Finding your passion is a journey in and of itself. If you don't feel like you know what yours is yet, try not to become discouraged. Try new things consistently. Even if you have to work hard, it will be found. If you find your passion, or find yourself coming onto its trail, don’t give it up. Your life is something you designed. Don't accept the bare minimum simply because it's convenient at the moment. If you don't push yourself, you'll never know what you're actually capable of.